We VALUE being with one another and doing life together! We encourage everyone to be part of a core group of people to build relationships and support. Jesus did this Himself with His twelve apostles! We want to mirror that beyond Sundays and meet together throughout the week!

Connect in a Life Group THIS WEEK by joining one of the following groups. If you would like to lead one, let us know!:

  • Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. - Previous our "Sunday School", we have Sunday morning Life Groups led by various group leaders, empowering us through the Bible Engagement Project curriculum:
    • God’s Roundtable: A Life Group for youth and adult ages in our Next Gen Center!
    • Kids of Light: All elementary-age children will meet in one of our classrooms!
    • Little Bible Learners: Our PreK and younger children will gather in the nursery!
  • Mondays @ 6:00 p.m. - The FORGING Table, a men’s group meeting for an hour of devotions and an hour of exercise and conditioning!

  • Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. - IGNITE! Wednesday night IGNITE is less of a Life Group and more of a prayer gathering, where we gather to worship the Lord and pray intercessory and warfare prayer together as a group!